Sunday, October 28, 2012


Bonjour mon amie,

And yes, I did have to google translate that phrase to make sure my spelling was correct! One of the first items on my todo list...learn to speak French! Which one might think would be easy since I am 50% French, but no one in my family speaks it :/

When my best friend asked me out of the blue one afternoon if I wanted to move to Paris with her, I immediately responded by saying "Oui mon amour". I of course assumed she was being facetious. She surprised me by saying she was entirely serious and that she already had tickets to visit Paris this December to look for an apartment for us!

I am still living in a dream! A year in Paris! And traveling to see all the rest of Europe as well! 

So this blog is a way of helping me sort out my thoughts, my plans, to-do lists, tips on others venturing to live abroad, and my experiences when I arrive there! If you have any advice on what districts to live in, how to find a job, what to bring on the flight, please share!

Until next time,
bonne nuit mes amis


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks darlin! It's been almost two years since I've been on a blog! I feel like I forgot everything about it!!
